Dra. Pilar García Morales

24 abril 2018


Research Unit: Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular

Web page: 


Research Fields:
1. Study of the molecular mechnisms involved in chemorresistance acquisition in cancer.
2. Search of new therapeutical targets for the treatment of chemorresistant tumors.
3. Regulation of expression and activity of ABC proteins.

Representative Publications:

  • Castro-Galache M.D., Ferragut, J.A., Barberá V.M., García-Morales, P., González-Ros, J.M., Saceda, M. (2003). Apoptosis induction and down-regulation of P-glycoprotein by Trichostatin A in a Daunorubicin-Resistant murine leukemia cell line. Int. J. Cancer 104:579-586.
  • García-Morales, P., Gomez-Martinez, A., Carrato, A., Martinez-Lacaci, M.I., Barbera, V.M., Soto, J.L., Carrasco-García, E., Menéndez-Gutierrez, M.P., Castro-Galache, M.D., Ferragut, J.A., Saceda, M. (2005). Histone deacetylase inhibitors induced caspase-independent apoptosis in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. Mol Cancer Ther. 4(8): 1222-1230.
  • García-Morales, P., Hernando, E., Carrasco-Garcia, E., Menéndez-Gutierrez, M.P., Saceda, M., Martinez-Lacaci, I. (2006). Cyclin D3 is down regulated by rapamycin in HER2-overexpresing breast cancer cells. Mol. Cancer Therap. 5 (9): 2172-2181.
  • García-Morales P., Carrasco-García E., Ruiz-Rico P., Martínez-Mira R., Menéndez-Gutiérrez MP., Ferragut JA., Saceda M., Martínez-Lacaci I. (2007). Inhibition of Hsp90 function by ansamycin causes downregualtion of cdc2 and cdc25c and G(2)M arrest in glioblastoma cell lines. Oncogene 26(51): 7185-7193.
  • Gomez-Martinez, A., García-Morales, P., García-Poveda, E., Carrato, A., Castro-Galache, M.D., Soto, J.L., Ferragut, J.A., Saceda, M. (2007). Post-transcriptional regulation of P-glycoprotein expresión in colon carcinoma cell lines.  Mol. Cancer Res. 5(6): 641-653.
